Image Source: johnwaverly |
There are lots of ways to earn through your blog.
- GOOGLE ADSENSE. Aside from this blog, I have my personal blog which I used to apply to Google Adsense. I researched before applying for Google Adsense and yes, they are the highest paying of all the online advertisers. Domain or hosted, they will accept your blog. Some would say it has to be 6-month old but I applied mine after a week and I got approved. You just have to make sure that your blog is complete and has enough articles (more words than pictures or videos). You also have to make sure that you read their guidelines. There are certain things you cannot post on your blog like adult contents or violent videos/photos. There are ads who will only pay per click and there are some who pays by 1,000 impressions. As I have mentioned, there are other advertisers so if Google Adsense is not for you then you could try Yahoo Publisher, Chitika, Bidvertiser, Infolinks, Nuffnang.
- AFFILIATE PROGRAMS. This is another form of advertising but you don't get paid for clicks or views. You get a commission whenever someone buys something through your link. I am using Amazon which is compatible with Google Adsense if you wanted to use both in a single blog. You could choose products related to your blog's content to target searchers who landed on your page. You'll get a 10% commission for every sale. You could use links and banners as well :) You could also try other affiliate programs like Audible, AbeBooks and Clickbank.
- INDEPENDENT ADVERTISERS. If your blog is getting enough traffic, advertisers will notice you. They will send you a proposal and the banner which you could post anywhere on your blog and you earn whatever deals you have agreed on.
Remember, all of this will be useless if you don't have any traffic so promote your blog and write more interesting articles which will attract more readers. Happy Blogging!